Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Recommended trips

Rugged terrain, deep forests and a beautiful scenery of the Moravice river valley, a dense network of marked tourist footpaths offer a lot of opportunities for walking. There are also several natural trails in Hradec and its neighbourhood. 


Hradec nad Moravicí - Fulnek

(23 km)

Hradec nad Moravicí, nádr. ČD a autob. zast. - Hradec nad Moravicí, zámek - Bezručova vyhlídka - Doubrava, myslivna - rozcestí „Včelí hrad“ - Lesní Albrechtice, autob. zast. - Bleška, hájovna - Leskovec, autob. zast. - Na proutcích - Lukavec, autob. zast. - Fulnek, koupaliště v areálu autokempu - Fulnek, nádr. ČD a autob. zast.

A very nice and comfortable route following blue sign mostly through woods. The route is undemanding, without any steet slopes. It trasfers from the northern part of the Nízký Jeseník to Moravská brána area. It connects important tourist centres.

Its  bigger part is passable by biky comfortably, some sections should be passed along  the road in unfavourable weather conditions, e. g.the section from Leskovec to Lukavec via Požaha.


Tourist Information Centre


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