Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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In-line skating

The track from Hradec nad Moravicí via Branka to Kylešovice

is flat with an asphalt surface. While skating you will be fascinated by beauties of nature along the Moravice river. The Hradec part of the track is lined by leafy trees protecting the skaters from the sun during summer heat waves. In Branka you can get something to drink in the local supermarket and also in a pub along th way. A few scores of meters near the Maják grounds are not suitable for skating (without the asphalt surface). It is a place where you can relax, with a slide and other attractions for children. The track ends near Opava-Kylešovice sluice. From there you can either go back or carry on walking along the river to a bus stop of public transportation that belongs to Opava city transport company.

Inline-skating equipment rental shop is situated near the track.
Inline-skating courses are organized. They are avaible to public and there are also special courses during summer for kids.

Sport and games


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