Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Kajlovec – history

    Kajlovec lies 304 m above the sea level in the valley of Hradečná brook, between Calvary (414 m) and Vápenka hills in the east and Doubrava hill (456 m) in the west.

    The name of the village probably originated from the German surname Kail or Keyl (wedge).

    The first written records date from 1650. Until the 16th century there were four ponds in the village and pastures on the slopes. A pub was built in 1904, the school in 1909. A voluntary fire brigade was set up in 1908, a fire station in 1928 and its new building in 1992. The chapel in the centre of the village was built by the religious community in 1909 – 1910.

     The village was liberated on 29th 1945 after seven years of Nazi occupation. These days the life in the village is eventful, rich in cultural activities, which are organized mostly by firefighters and the staff of the local kindergarten. “Walking with the bear” and “Burying the bass” are held before the period of fasting, in November it is a popular goose banquet and a feast. “Carrying away Mařena and Mařák” (effigies symbolizing winter) and “Welcoming Spring” are held two weeks before Easter. 

    After the Velvet Revolution a number of new houses were built and the population increased from 296 in 1991 to 373 in May 2009.


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