Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Routes Atractive For Cycling

Cycling and tourist route no. 551 

MORAVICE (41 km)

Kružberk - Podhradí - Hradec nad Moravicí - Opava

A mildly rolling terrain with the biggest elevation between Lhotka and Nové Těchanovice villages (520m above the sea level). The route leads mostly along the 3rd class roads or along forest, asphalt or dirt road. In the part between Větřkovice bridge and Kaluža national natural reservation, the route may be difficult to go on after the rain or when the trees are being cut down. If you will follow the signs you will come across information boards about available services or tourist attractions. The connection of Moravice to the other cycling routes: Near Kružberk dam the route no. 551 connects to an cycling route Odersko (the Oder region) no. 503, which in turn connects to an international cycling route ” Moravian Gate” (no. 5), which is a part of European network called Euro-Velo. The route no. 5 leads from Poland via Ostrava region, Nový Jičín, Přerov, Prostějov, Blansko, Brno, Mikulov to Austria. Another possibility is the connection to the cycle-tourist route “Moravian path” which leads via Jeseník, Šumperk, Litovel, Šternberk, Olomouc, Břeclav, Mikulov, This cycling route has not got a single number – it consists of a number of sections (no. 54, 53, 51, 47, 45, 43 and 41).You can connect to this route through the route no. 503 and no. 55 via Jeseník or through Bruntál region via Šternberk.            

Cycling and tourist route no. 6141 


Hradec nad Moravicí - u Skřipova - Hlubočec - Pustá Polom

It leads mostly along the 3rd class roads and along hardened forest tracks. The terrain is mostly mildly rolling with a rise on a route between Hradec nad Moravicí and Jakubčovice.

Cycling and tourist route


Opava - Hlavnice - Hradec nad Moravicí - Raduň - Kravaře - Malé Hoštice - Opava

Opava cycle route is traced out as a two-way orbit which is 90 km long. The whole route has convenient connections to other cycling routes, so it is possible to make the route shorter and thus to customise the number of passed km to your abilities and physical fitness.

Recommended shortcuts: Sádek – Svobodné Heřmanice (cycle route no. 6164), Nový Dvůr – Hlavnice (cycle route no. 6167), Hradec nad Moravicí – Opava (along the Moravice river no. 551) or Branka u Opavy – Raduň (no. 6055). The number of km can, if it suits you, be divided into several days. The route is well marked, however a map is a useful companion of every cyclist.

Cycling and tourist route no. 6078 (70 km)

Opava - Raduň - Jakubčovice - Skřipov - Fulnek

A big circle around the Nízký Jeseník I (60 km, demanding)

Hradec nad Moravicí (no. 551) - Podhradí - Vítkov - Větřkovice - Moravské Vlkovice (no. 6079) - Fulnek (no. 6078) - Dolní Nový dvůr - Mostky, hájovna (no. 6141) - Hradec nad Moravicí


A big circle around the Nízký Jeseník II (76 km;)

Hradec nad Moravicí (no. 551) - Podhradí - Vítkov (no. 503) - Jakubčovice nad Odrou (no. 6079) - Moravské Vlkovice - Fulnek (no. 6078) - Mostky (no. 6141) - Hradec nad Moravicí


Fulnek circle (65 km)

Fulnek - Loučky - Vítkov - Kružberská přehrada - Jánské Koupele - Podhradí - Papírenský splav - Hradec nad Moravicí - Mostky, hájovna - Dolní Nový dvůr - Fulnek




It is very demanding, we recommend this track only for physically fit cyclists.

You can choose from two tracks: 90 km with 2,000m of elevation, or 55 km with 1,200  of elevation.



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