Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí

Information centre

Information Centre
The Tourist Information Centre Hradec nad Moravicí was founded in September 1997. It is a member of the A.T.I.C. of the Czech Republic. It is also a holder of the certificate category C. Since 2003 it is an official tourist information centre and is certified by the Czech Tourism Centre CzechTourism. Since 2020 it is also a partner of Technotrasa category A.


Information centre Hradec nad Moravicí  is at a new address: 308 Podolská Street (Babinec building and library), GPS: N 49°52.26405', E 17°52.55775'.

Opening hours:
(July - August)
MON: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:00 
TUE: 08:00 - 17:00  
WED: 08:00 - 17:00  
THU: 08:00 - 17:00  
FRI: 08:00 - 17:00  
SAT: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:00     
SUN: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 15:00


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22. January 2025
Bude převážně zataženo nízkou oblačností nebo mlhavo, na horách a ojediněle i v nižších polohách až polojasno. Denní teploty 1 až 5°C. Noční teploty 0 až -4°C.
23. January 2025
Bude oblačno až zataženo, od západu během odpoledne místy přeháňky nebo slabý déšť. Denní teploty 2 až 6°C. Noční teploty 3 až -1°C.
24. January 2025
Bude polojasno až oblačno, místy přeháňky. Denní teploty 3 až 7°C. Noční teploty 4 až 0°C.
25. January 2025
Bude oblačno až zataženo. Denní teploty 5 až 9°C. Noční teploty 4 až 0°C.


OPAVIAN SILESIA is within the reach of your hand!
Opava Silesia is an area where you will discover the charm of Silesia, interwoven with pieces of rich history, cultural diversity and nature with spectacular views. Visit the Silesian region, make use of a variety of our services, such as tourist tips, food recommendations and much more. With our help, you can experience a perfect holiday here. Keep up with the latest events and happenings in the area on the website: www.opavske-slezsko.cz.


The Opava Silesia Tourist Newspaper will be published in June and you can pick it up for free at our tourist information centre. We will be more than happy to advise you on what to do and visit in our town. If you would like to explore more, we will be provide you with the best places to go to. For interesting tourist tips Download here .


Visiting season of Hradec nad Moravicí Castle

From 1 April 2024, the castle grounds - park will be open during opening hours. The visitor season will start with the "Prince's Easter" from 28 March 2024 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.), then every weekend and holiday in April. From 1 May 2024, the castle grounds, the courtyard of the White Castle, the entrance historical exhibition and both tour routes will be open (Tue - Sun 9:00 - 17:00 h).  The White Tower will also be open from May. For more information, visit https://www.zamek-hradec.cz/cs . Booking of tours for individuals and groups tel.: +420 553 783 444 or online ticket booking at https://www.zamek-hradec.cz/cs/online-vstupenky/online-vstupenky.


The Technotrail connects places where unforgettable experiences that remind you of the technical and craftsmanship of Northern Moravia and Silesia await you. It will show you the unique genius loci of technical monuments and places that still live by the industry. It will introduce you to the stories of  locals. Stories of people, who were and still are transforming Silesian landspace. You will see the things that wouldn't seem real. They will teach you the craft - you will be able to participate in traditions as old as time it self. 

Hradec nad Moravicí offers guided tours of the Weisshuhn Canal from April to October. Additional dates can be arranged by calling 771 700 071. During the walk, you will get to know the basic characteristics of the time of the building of the canal from our excellent guides. You will also get to know the history of the other structures, which were built by Carl Weisshunn. You will also learn how his bussiness in our region started and how influential it was.

You can find the dates of the tours in the calendar of events, the reservation system, by phone, e-mail or in person at our TIC. It is possible to arrange individual dates, group of min. 15 persons. 

Join us for a glimpse of what awaits you at Technotrasa and what you can experience there. Video 1, video 2, video 3.




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