Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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The town

The town of Hradec nad Moravicí

The town gradually developed from a market village into its contemporary shape. It was given the town rights and it's coat of arms in 1481.The town is located in a hilly terrain, 30 km west of Ostrava and 8 km south of Opava, it is situated 264 m above the sea level. A river called Moravice flows throught our city. Valley of Moravice is a protected region. The natural park along the river is one of the best preserved and most valuable locations in Opavian region.

Beauty of nature makes the town and its surroundings an attractive in every season of the year. It offers good conditions for hiking, cycling and fishing. Tourists and cyclists can use a network of marked paths and cycling routes. 

Another place of interest for tourists can be Šance lookout tower built in Jakubčovice in 2005. It is 522 m above the sea level, 15.5 m high with 60 steps. It offers impressive views of the surroundings. You will bea able to see forested slopes, of the highest peaks of the Jeseníky and Beskydy mountains. The view of Opava is also picturesque; you can even see beyond the Polish border.

The town is formed by eight parts: Hradec-Podolí, Benkovice, Bohučovice, Domoradovice, Filipovice, Jakubčovice, Kajlovec and Žimrovice. Its 5,485 inhabitants live in the area of 44 square km.
For travelling to Hradec you can use both public transport (bus and train connection) and cars. There is a petrol station and a few garages in the town; cyclists can use Koska bicycle repair shop. A shopping centre and a health centre are also available.

Turists can also visit a library and Information Centre. As for accommodation, tourists can stay in a hotel, in a hostel or at a tourist camp. There are also a lot of restaurants or fast-food restaurants. There is also an opportunity to enjoy sports, such as swimming, tennis, volleyball or football. 

Among the social and cultural activities held in town are Opening the tourist season, a fair, concerts and exhibitions or theatre performances. The most important event is, traditionally, the international music competition Beethoven´s Hradec which has been held since 1962. Now it is a competition for young musicians who compete in different subjects every year: either playing the piano, the violin, viola, cello, the string quartet and piano trio. Students from about ten European countries and from abroad (the USA, Japan and South Korea) have taken part in the competition so far. 

In conclusion, Hradec is an important tourist centre and, thanks to its surroundings and cultural activities, Hradec has become a significant tourist destination of both Czech and foreign tourists. It offers an enjoyable stay for those who enjoy beauties of nature, cultural life or sports. 


About the town


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