Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Rugged terrain, deep forests and a beautiful scenery of the Moravice river valley, a dense network of marked tourist footpaths offer a lot of opportunities for walking. There are also several natural trails in Hradec and its neighbourhood. 


Nature trail Raduň – Jakubčovice

(7.5 km)

Raduň, Memorial to the victims of an aircrash - Vršovice, hájovna (4 km) - U Buku (5 km) - Jakubčovice (7,5 km)


It was established in 2006 under the patronage of the Town of Hradec, village of Raduň, Lesy ČR co. and the Hradec Club of Czech turists. Three haltings inform about the history of a WW II aircrash. They represent the crew and the Liberator B-24 plane. You can see a map with places where the pilots touched the ground, having jumped off the uncontrollable plane  after it had been hit by German fighters. One halting commemorates Josef Gebala who installed a cross as a symbol of sacrifice on a beech tree near Jakubčovice. The evidence of eyewitnesses has been recorded by Mgr. Ladislav Sonnek, a Hradec chronicler.

Tourist Information Centre


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