Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Rugged terrain, deep forests and a beautiful scenery of the Moravice river valley, a dense network of marked tourist footpaths offer a lot of opportunities for walking. There are also several natural trails in Hradec and its neighbourhood. 


Moravice Nature Park

The Moravice Nature Park is the largest protected area in Opava region. Its borderline runs roughly through Hradec-upon-Moravice, Žimrovice, Domoradovice, Melč, Nové and Staré Lublice, Kružberk, Staré and Nové Těchanovice, Březová, Skřipov, Hlubočec, Raduň and Chvalíkovice.

 It is among the best preserved and most valuable areas in Opava region. Its flora has features of the Jeseníky foothills area. The valley of the Moravice from Kružberk to Hradec is one of the most beautiful river valleys in the Czech Republic. Here and there has the river created a canyon with walls 120 m high.  Tourist can find seven varieties of vegetation units, such as valley meadows, oak and hornbeam groves or ravine woods.  Fifteen sites with protected and endangered species are recorded.

The Moravice Nature Park was proclaimed on 1st September 1994. Its base was formed by two state nature reserves on the right bank of the river.


Tourist Information Centre


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