Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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Recommended trips

Rugged terrain, deep forests and a beautiful scenery of the Moravice river valley, a dense network of marked tourist footpaths offer a lot of opportunities for walking. There are also several natural trails in Hradec and its neighbourhood. 


Bezruč path

Blue sign Hradec nad Moravicí, zámek - Bezručova vyhlídka (1,5 km) - Doubrava, myslivna (2 km) – on along yellow to rozcestí „Pilarka“ (4 km) - Hanuše (6 km) - Branka, nádr. ČD (9 km) - Chvalíkovice (12 km) - rozcestí „Vršák“ (14 km) - Bohučovice (15 km) - rozcestí „Nad Záviliším“ (17 km) - Kalvárie (18 km) - Kajlovec (20 km) - Doubrava, myslivna (23 km) - on along blue to Hradec nad Moravicí, zámek (25 km)

An interesting, varied route with romantic views of the kastle, its surroundings and far in the country. It leads mostly through a wood around Hradec nad Moravicí. Petr Bezruč, a poet, used to walk there from Branka across Hanuše as far as Žimrovice rock in1910 – 1938. In 1947, on the occasion of his birthday, it was named Bezruč Path.

It is totally unsuitable for cycling, its longer part is impassable, or passable with difficulties.



Tourist Information Centre


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