Městská knihovna a informační centrum Hradec nad Moravicí
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     The village of Melč lies 407 m above the sea level, 15 km to the south-west from Opava. It has a population of 620 people. The settlements Mokřinky and Nový Dvůr are parts of the village. The stream which flows through the village flows into the Moravice river. The inhabitants made their living mostly by farming, but some of them worked also in the local distillery and brewery. Since 1888 the estate of Melč became a property of the Count of Razumowski. The legend has it that the count was in a mortal danger during his voyage at stormy sea. At that time he promised to build a church resembling the board of a ship, if he would survive. After that, he was spared of such horrifing destiny and therefore, the construction of the church concluded shortly afterhis arrival. The church was built in the late 19th century, designed by Josef Maria Olbrich, a well-known architect born in Opava. It was consecrated in 1890 and in 1988 listed as a cultural monument. The 18th century castle situated in the village serves as a children´s home now. Around the castle is a large park with rare trees and bushes. 

     Maria Talhof, a stone cave with the statue of St. Mary, is located to the south, near a village called Filipovice. The legend has it, that violets blooming here had marvelous scent and the power to heal and cure the ill. The local forester saw a vision of St. Mary who told him to build a cross in that place. Later, in the 17th century, a chapel was built there. 


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